Near vision is not tested in the simple eye screenings offered in schools and at the doctor’s office; near vision is especially important for reading books and seeing the computer screen clearly. Some of the most common children’s vision problems such as eye coordination, lazy eye, and farsightedness can be missed in an vision screening.

Healthy sight is very important for doing well in school, participating in outside activities, and hanging out with friends—your child needs to be able to see well to catch a ball, ride his/her bike, and do all the other fun things that kids love.
With an average of one in four children having an undetected vision problem that can interfere with the ability to read and learn, proper eyecare and eyewear are critical to performance inside the classroom and in your child’s everyday life. Regular eye exams are critical to your child’s healthcare and should be scheduled as regularly as doctor and dentist appointments.  The eye doctor is where you should go for injuries to the eye, for pink eye, and for itchy eyes.  You wouldn’t take your child to the minute clinic for a tooth ache or for an injury to a tooth!  Take them to the professional whose specialty is eyes!  More often than not, health insurance will cover the visit for a medical issue.