Businesswoman rubbing her tired eyes
So~~~~ your eyes are bothering you?
You all of a sudden cannot read small print. Your eyelid is twitching. You are getting headaches. Your eyes feel dry and sore, and your vision can sometimes be blurry.
Is it a good idea to self-diagnose the resolution to any vision problem? NO. IT. IS. NOT. And here are the reasons why.
The Dangers of Self-Diagnosis
While the internet is a treasure trove of health-related information, self-diagnosing vision issues based on a quick Google search can end you somewhere with a lot of incorrect information. Misdiagnosing a problem might also cause undue stress or lead to an inappropriate resolution. Remember, eye diseases often show similar symptoms, and only a thorough eye examination under expert guidance can pinpoint the exact cause.
If, for instance, you are experiencing eye fatigue, it is essential to know the reason and get the proper solution for your unique needs from an expert. It may be as simple as needing eye drops (artificial tears) to moisten the eyes because of a lower blink rate while staring at a computer or looking at a distance of 20 feet every 20 min for at least 20 seconds. A humidifier can also add moisture to the air and can also help minimize dry eye. But if you self-diagnose your condition and start using the wrong eye drops, it can actually make your situation worse.
Unreliable Sources
The huge place that the internet is makes it a double-edged sword. While it does offer a plethora of information, not all sources can be trustworthy. Many websites and platforms may just provide data that is partially correct, outdated, scientifically unverified, or based on subjective evidence. Furthermore, some websites can be influenced by commercial interests, leading them to provide manipulative information. Distinguishing between authentic, unbiased resources and those with ulterior motives can be very challenging for the average person.
Confirmation Bias
Your inherent beliefs and feelings often shape your online searches. If you believe that you have a particular condition or symptom, you will seek sources that confirm those assumptions. You will continue to believe those sources even if they do not appear most reliable or accurate. This psychological phenomenon is called confirmation bias, which means that if you are apprehensive about a symptom, you might unconsciously gravitate towards extreme, worst-case scenarios.
On the contrary, if you are convinced your symptoms are benign and you don’t have something major, you might ignore any serious signs by only focusing on information that downplays the risks. Such selective information gathering or the danger of seeing only what you want can hinder an objective understanding of your situation.
Beware of DIY Solutions
What if all of a sudden it is difficult to see text on your phone? What when distant things sometimes appear hazy, and you experience mild eye discomfort or pain? What would you do?
Rush to a Big Box for reading glasses? Try just any OTC eye drops? Start gobbling up carrots or Omega-3 capsules? Just believe you have a serious eye condition and that only an invasive procedure can fix it?
Assumptions only invite trouble. It’s just a BAD IDEA to assume and come to conclusions. While the allure of DIY solutions, especially those trending on social media, can be hard to resist, understand that they often do more harm than good. Homemade remedies, unsanctioned eye exercises, or using products not explicitly designed for the eyes can introduce risks of infections, allergies, and more. It is always safer and smarter to maintain distance from DIY solutions and only rely on advice from trusted eye care professionals.
Know When To Seek Help!
It is vital to be in tune with your body, especially the eyes. Occasional disturbances can be okay and labeled as fatigue or minor irritants. However, persistent issues like regular bouts of blurred vision, sensitivity to bright lights, sudden appearance of floaters, or abrupt vision disturbances are clear signals that it is time to consult professionals. Often, early intervention is key. You shouldn’t wait for problems to escalate and worsen.
Navigating the Maize around Blue Light
Marketers of blue light glasses are falsely stating that you should wear blue light glasses when using a digital device all day. We actually get more blue light exposure from sunlight! And those rack glasses can cause even more eye fatigue if the lenses are not good optical standards and are ill-fitting.
If digital overuse is causing vision problems, VISIT YOUR EYE DOCTOR.
Usually, blue light glasses will not help relieve digital eye strain from overuse unless you are using digital devices into the evening hours; then, they can help alleviate the suppression of melatonin from overexposure to blue light, allowing you to sleep better. There actually is no scientific evidence that blue light coming from a computer screen causes digital eye strain or damages the eye.
What Can You Do?
You should sit 18 to 25 inches away from your computer screen, i.e., about an arm’s length. Adjust screen brightness and contrast so that it feels comfortable and not too much brighter than the room light that you’re in. Position the screen so your eyes gaze slightly downward, not straight ahead or up. Read About Computer Glasses Here
To maintain optimal eyesight, you can also incorporate nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, vitamins E and C, and zinc into your diet. Minimize screen exposure, commit to regular eye examinations, refrain from smoking, and embrace a consistent exercise routine.
Always Get High-Quality Glasses!
Around age 40-42, your near vision starts to deteriorate. Using self-diagnosed Add powers in over-the-counter readers can damage your near vision, making it worse. Why? Poor quality lenses, incorrect add power, and poor fitting make them uncomfortable and can create eye strain by not properly correcting your vision needs. It is better to have the health of your eyes checked and to obtain a proper Rx by Scheduling an Eye Exam today.
Want to delay needing reading glasses? Put on Your Sunglasses.
A prescription, whether for reading glasses or a bifocal, will take into account any vision difference between your eyes, which most people have, and correct for it to provide a balanced image from both eyes to your brain.
Benefits of Prescription Reading Glasses
- No more on and off. Unless you wear half-eye readers (Ben Franklin style), you’re likely removing them frequently to see at a distance. Progressive lenses will eliminate this problem.
- Tailored to match vision needs. One lens can be made more powerful than the other. Lenses can be ground to correct for astigmatism, an imperfect curvature of the eye.
- Custom-fit, including nose bridge and temple arms. Your fitter will also ensure the optics in each lens line up with the centers of your eyes. The optics in OTC glasses maybe too close together or too wide apart and the wearer may feel some eye strain or headache.
- Available with special lens coatings to decrease glare and/or resist scratching.
- Longer lasting because they are typically of higher quality and YES. THEY. DO. COST. MORE. BUT HEY, IT’S YOUR ONLY PAIR OF EYES!
- Endless frame styles from which to choose.
The Importance of Regular Check-ups
Your vision is valuable. While it might be tempting to save a few dollars by choosing over-the-counter solutions, it is essential to invest in your eye health with utmost care. Prevention is often more affordable than treatment. Just as you would not skip your annual physical check-ups, your eyes demand the same consistent consideration.
Regular eye examinations are not just about updating your prescription. They are a preventive measure crucial for detecting early signs of some serious eye problems like glaucoma, macular degeneration, or even conditions like diabetes, which may manifest initial symptoms in the eyes. This level of care allows you to safeguard your vision for the future.
Invest in Your Vision with Us
Vision is one of your most vital senses, one that deserves the highest standard of care. Your eyes are not just a pair of organs; they are your gateways to experiences, memories, and the world’s beauty. Entrust their well-being only to dedicated professionals. The team at Maple Grove Eye Doctors at Pearle Vision is committed to ensuring your eyes serve you well today, tomorrow, and always. Please schedule an appointment with us and ensure a clear, bright future for your eyes. Act now.