“I don’t care about comfort” said no one ever!
Comfort is a fundamental aspect of well-fit eyewear and ranks high in value for eyeglass wearers universally. Comfortable eyewear is especially important for those of us who have not had decades to grow accustomed to the weight of glasses on our faces, because we had perfect vision until presbyopia happened to us! For those, this new discomfort introduced into our lives is one that we must endure to read menus, fine print or work comfortably in front of our computers or on our phones.
It may seem like a simple matter, but dispensing comfort is a vital part of the customer satisfaction equation for this distinct category of eyeglass wearer. Our friends and family who have worn glasses for their entire lifetime, having a frame resting on their bridge and ears goes unnoticed — it’s second nature. Bur for those of us who have spent childhood and early adulthood with perfect vision, the gradual loss of accommodation with the onset of presbyopia and the newly acquired need for eyeglasses is uncomfortable visually and physically.
Our team of optical professionals understand this and has a ‘toolbox’ of items they can use to increase comfort for these eyeglass novices. We have frames made of super lightweight and durable titanium for the metal look, and lightweight high quality plastics for a more trendy look. We offer thing and lightweight high quality lenses. The worry-free lightweight comfort afforded by these eyeglass choices could determine whether the new presbyope is happy with their new eyewear. We understand that our customers come to us for clear vision and that they rely on us to understand the increased need for comfort and convenience in their eyeglasses. These patients may resist wearing progressive lenses because they have no need for distance vision correction, and have no desire to wear glasses all of the time. They also do not want their computer distance vision reduced to a narrow area of the lens.
Our patients thank us for understanding their need for computer glasses and for multiple pairs of quality, comfortable reading eyewear. We also understand and explain the drawback of not adjusting to wearing glasses full time is that one will be always looking for their glasses (which may even be on top of their heads or hanging from their collar)! Presbyopes are the perfect candidates for multiple pairs of comfortable glasses, which when conveniently located where they need them, is the second key to eyeglass happiness! So when one of our doctors and opticians is recommending multiple pairs, it is because they understand the needs of new eyeglass wearers.